Miss Anna Beth Atwood is trying to find her path in life and she wants to make a difference. As a new teacher just out of college she faces so many challenges, from the Great Depression to racial segregation and everything in between. Anna Beth is an overcomer, she will endure the trials and tribulations that come her way.
I absolutely loved the first book in this series, When Dignity Came to Harlan, so when the story continued with Teaching Dignity, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. This sequel was ever bit as good as the first book. I was so engrossed with this story, I couldn’t stop reading until the very end. This fast paced, wonderful and emotional read is one that is sure to remain in your heart long after you turn the last page.
Thank you Rebecca Duvall Scott for another wonderful story. I loved the first book and this one was just as amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and I can’t wait to read more from this author. The plot was captivating, the characters were relatable, and this phenomenal story hits all the emotions. This series is fantastic and I highly recommend this book.
Author: Rebecca Duvall ScottPublisher: Barefoot Publishing
Publication Date: August 2, 2021
Pages: 178
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As a first-year teacher fresh out of college, Miss Anna Beth Atwood is struggling to find her own path both inside and outside the one-room schoolhouse. The trials of the Great Depression, racial segregation, social class division, and domestic violence don’t make her job any easier, but the real challenge will be confronting – and overcoming – her traumatic past once and for all.
Heartfelt, emotional, and painfully honest, the story of Teaching Dignity is a shining light in the darkest times. Written by award-winning author of When Dignity Came to Harlan, Anna Beth’s journey into adulthood reminds readers of the important adage “To thine own self be true,” but more importantly… where could we go but to the Lord?
Walk in Anna Beth’s shoes and see firsthand how the rekindling of one woman’s faith has the power to not only help her students and community but herself as well.
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